Friday, January 4

Can You Believe It?

Well, here we are again. The beginning of a brand new year. It's hard for me to believe that another year has just zipped by. Where did it go? It feels as if only a week ago I put my Halloween costume away and I'm sure I still have Thanksgiving leftovers to eat up in the frig. (Hmmm, which could explain the strange noise my frig has been making lately...indigestion!) Now normally, and in past years, I'm just as much the 'party animal' as the next person, but I'm guessing I slept through all the festivities on New Years Eve this year, explaining the bow-tie wearing cat on my lap and the face full of multi-colored confetti stuck to my drool crusted chin when I woke the next morning. Wow, I must be getting old...or just lazy, or both, I'm not really sure. Either way, now starts a brand new year in which I can continue on my journey of self improvement. And the good thing about life is that it's kind of like your cell phone has rollover. So, all the stuff you didn't accomplish in 2007 (or before) you can now roll over into 2008, which works well for me...the procrastinator!'s to 2008....a whole NEW year! May the sun shine warm your face, and your moonshine have good taste!! CHEERS!